We often must decide if we should choose to be kind or if we should choose to do what is right. Sometimes, community service feels like a chore to others because they believe it is the right thing to do. Sometimes, people volunteer because they want the admiration and respect of others. In all reality, it is not about getting attention or gaining the respect of others. Volunteering should allow yourself to feel good and can always be the journey to self-discovery. I know for me, volunteering has given me the opportunity to find a piece of myself. I always leave the volunteering site with the intent to return and to continue giving back. Serving my community has now become one of my passions.
The next time you volunteer, I encourage you to think about why you volunteer. Do you volunteer out of kindness or because it is right? What have you learned through your community service?
Photo credit: http://lessonslearnedinlife.com/because-kindness-is-a-sign-of-strength-2/