Tuesday, February 23, 2016

It's the Little Things

Photo credit: https://scontent-ord1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xtl1/t31.0-8/12496343_1146552588749779_221163000334674300_o.jpg

Thursday, February 11, 2016

A Letter To Your Loving Self

Dear Self,

Someone once told me life does not truly begin until you enter college. As an adult, you feel more independence over your academic courses and the balance between social life and school is all on you. Who would have ever known you'd grow up so fast? Certainly not me.

With the expectation to excel at life, you set the bar too high and expect to much from yourself. You study too much. You ponder too much. You criticize myself too much. 

Valentine's Day is celebrating love. And friendship. And relationships. So why not celebrate...you? And I don't mean celebrate you on just one day out of the year, but why not every day?

It's hard to make time for yourself in the sea of scheduled meetings, classes, and homework, but taking the time for self-care is one of the best ways to de-stress. Here are some techniques for self-love and for celebrating you:

  • Yoga: Treat yourself to a yoga class or a morning filled with meditation, which can be a relaxing way to begin your busy day and ease your mind, body, and spirit. 
  • Sleep: You deserve a mid-day nap to take your mind off of the craziness left in your day. Spend some time during the afternoon to refuel.
  • Me Time: Pick a day to date yourself. Whether you treat yourself to lunch or a movie, take the time to get to know yourself. You'll be amazed at all the new things you learn about yourself!
  • Let Go: Sure setting goals and expectations are the way to excel in academics and careers, but don't make these goals too unrealistic...that will only create more stress. Learn to let go of the past and focus on the present (this is one techniques that I have recently adopted); it takes the pressure off of you when you stop trying to control your future.
  • Volunteer: When you need that time to reconnect with yourself, try volunteering in the local community. Volunteering is one way to reflect on your life and give back to others. Who knows? You might even make a new friend. 
Of course, there are always more self-kindness and self-love techniques. Someone also told me to go with the flow of life and learn to trust your gut feelings. Well? What are you waiting for? 

You owe it to yourself to go out and discover your passions, to explore everything and anything, and most importantly, to love yourself. The latter being the most difficult if you're one who tries to make everyone else happy. Always remember to never stop being the most unique individual you can be. 



Photo credit: http://www.lovethispic.com/uploaded_images/56853-Live-Love-Laugh.jpg